Sunday 12 August 2012

How to Bleach Your Hair With Hydrogen Peroxide

If you are looking for an easy way to make your hair that bright blonde or to bring out your once subtle natural highlights, "bleaching" your hair with Hydrogen Peroxide might be the best option for you!

1. Find a new spray bottle that is dark, because hydrogen peroxide degrades quickly when exposed to light. You want to make sure the bottle is as clean as possible (a brand new bottle is the best) because you don't know how the previous chemical's residue will react with the Hydrogen Peroxide. Spray the parts of your hair you want lighter. If you want all of your hair lighter, spray thoroughly.

2. If you are looking only to bring out your natural highlights, pour some of the Hydrogen Peroxide on a cotton ball and rub the cotton ball in one direction on the pieces of your hair that you would like lighter.

3. Most people want to leave the Hydrogen Peroxide in their hair for about 40 minutes before rinsing, but depending on how dark your hair is, how light you want it, and how much irritation the chemical may cause, you will want to experiment and play around with it. When you are comfortable with the color, go rinse your hair with cool water.

4. The cool water will add shine and help strengthen your hair. Since the Peroxide isn't the healthiest thing in the world, you will probably want to add a deep conditioner to your hair. Be sure to massage your scalp as the chemical might have dried out or irritated it. Again, rinse with cool water.

5. Don't expect immediate results. Your hair will become much lighter if you repeat this process in smaller doses every day for a week than if you use a whole bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide on your hair one night.

6. Good luck. Remember that even if your hair doesn't come out the way you'd hope it would, you can always dye your hair back or add a colored rinse to your hair to tone down the white. Have fun!
  • If you are not sure how applying Hydrogen Peroxide will affect your hair, do not try it or ask more questions. Please look at the warnings at the bottom just in case. It is not 100% safe!

Kleral MagiColor Perfumed Hair Coloring/ Bleaching Creme Peroxide 1000ml 

Avaliable now at The Glamour Shop Only for 4.99

Kleral Peroxide Perfumed, highly stabilized volumes 10-40 oxidizing emulsion. Creamy formula, enriched with Panthenol and conditioning ingredients, that treats and protects the scalp and the hair fibre. 

Kleral Creme Peroxide Ideal for all colouring and bleaching technical services, it allows to create perfectly homogeneous mixtures and grants the best final results. 
Kleral Bleaching Peroxide Imparts brightness and improves colour durability and stability. 

Don't exceed the suggested Laying time:

3 Tones  = 20 Volume (6%) = 20 Minutes
4 Tones = 30 Volumes (9%) = 25 Minutes
6 Tones = 40 Volumes (12%) = 35 Minutes


  • If your hair is already a light color or is very porous, this method of bleaching will be more effective in lightening your hair. It will still work on people with black or dark hair, but it might take a little while longer.
  • If your hair is red or has a reddish tone, your peroxide-saturated hair might seem a bit more orange at first. Keep continuing the treatment and your hair should seem blonder.
  • A quality deep conditioner is a must whether you are bleaching your hair at home or professionally. Make sure you massage your conditioner into your scalp (it wont make your hair greasy if you rinse well).
  • To make your hair lighten even faster, spend a few hours out in the sunlight after applying the Hydrogen Peroxide.
  • Since hydrogen peroxide can leave your hair with an orange or brassy tone, try washing your hair with a violet shampoo that is made for this purpose.

  • These chemicals aren't healthy. That means you shouldn't continue this process for more than 2 weeks and you should use a deep conditioner to keep your hair beautiful and healthy. It could also dry out your hair, so do not spray the peroxide directly onto your hair. (Don't just pour the bottle on your head, use a medium like cotton swab or bottle spray)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide isn't safe to use around children as it will burn and be very painful if it gets in your eyes or if you swallow it. Be careful and use common sense.
  • Keep an eye on the bleach every 5 minutes as can take to some hair quicker than others.
  • Go to the salon first; they can tell you if your hair can take it, if your hair is brittle, this chemical can cause your hair to snap in areas or become stringy like stretched gum.

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